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Nonstop in BUSINESS CLASS from UK to East Coast USA from only £1,117 (round-trip)!

New York

Hello Travelers.

We found again some cheap direct Business Class flights from the UK to the USA for just £ 1,117 (round-trip).

Only for Gold or Platinum Member

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You can book at the moment cheap BUSINESS CLASS tickets for flights departing from Manchester, UK to New York, NY, USA for only £ 1,117 for a round-trip with AER LINGUS.

Limited availability from May to June 2024 for this price.

Grab them quickly before the deal expires.

With the help of Google Flights you can find the available dates. If your desired dates are fixed, you can book the offer at JetRadarSkyScanner,  KayakTrip FlightsMomondo, or Kiwi to get a cheaper price.

Sample ticket reservations IN BUSINESS CLASS:

Book your flights here:


Or search here:

How to book?

To get this deal you can use the flight search box above. Just enter the travel dates, origin, and destination as seen in the deal description (screenshot) and select the cabin class. Of course, you can adjust your origin and destination as well as your desired dates of travel (though prices and availabilities may change). You can also book the flights at: JetRadar, SkyScanner, CheapOair, Trip FlightsCheapTicketsTravel-Dealer, Kayak, Opodo, or Kiwi.
Note: You are usually better off booking direct with the airline. If you book through a travel agency and something goes wrong then the airline may well refer you back to the travel agency to fix the problem. That can be tricky if the agency is only contactable via the internet.

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In New York, be prepared for sensory overload as the city bombards you with mouthwatering aromas, mesmerizing street performances, and fashion trends that make you question your own sense of style. From the iconic Statue of Liberty to the surreal chaos of Grand Central Terminal, this city will leave you with memories that are as vibrant as a Broadway show and as delicious as a hot dog from a street vendor.

Don’t miss this excellent BUSINESS CLASS in New York, NY, USA at very low prices!

Hotel Deals:

Please note: All the information on this page is accurate at the time of publication. If you view this deal at a later date, prices and deals may have changed. Act fast and take advantage of deals before they’re gone! Remember, the best deals will often disappear within minutes! All deals are limited and may not be available on all dates. If you have a question or you need an individual travel deal, please use our Travel Forum.

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