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Flights departing from Seattle to San Juan, Puerto Rico for only $297 USD (round-trip).

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Our Deal Finder came up with some great offers for flights departing from Seattle to San Juan, Puerto Rico for only $297 USD (round-trip) with jetBlue.
San Juan, Puerto Rico’s capital and largest city, sits on the island’s Atlantic coast. Its widest beach fronts the Isla Verde resort strip, known for its bars, nightclubs and casinos. Cobblestoned Old San Juan features colorful Spanish colonial buildings and 16th-century landmarks including El Morro and La Fortaleza, massive fortresses with sweeping ocean views, as well as the Paseo de la Princesa bayside promenade.
Limited availability from April to May 2023.
Example date: 27th April to 3rd of May 2023.
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