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Flights from Jakarta Indonesia to:

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DestinationDeparture atReturn atDistanceFind tickets
Kuala Lumpur17 May 202422 May 20241130 kmFrom 66
Denpasar (Bali)13 May 202416 May 2024981 kmFrom 90
Singapore20 May 202421 May 2024884 kmFrom 92
Tanjung Pandan9 May 202412 May 2024391 kmFrom 114
Surabaya25 May 202431 May 2024690 kmFrom 121
Ho Chi Minh City15 May 202421 May 20241883 kmFrom 137
Phuket11 May 202415 May 20241833 kmFrom 144
Manila16 May 202419 May 20242788 kmFrom 146
Bangkok17 Jul 202419 Jul 20242298 kmFrom 149
Medan15 Jun 202421 Jun 20241388 kmFrom 156
Praya2 May 20246 May 20241100 kmFrom 167
Labuan Bajo11 May 202414 May 20241482 kmFrom 188
Ujung Pandang3 May 20246 May 20241431 kmFrom 197
Bandar Seri Begawan9 Jun 202412 Jun 20241536 kmFrom 217
Nha Trang17 Aug 202421 Aug 20242035 kmFrom 223
Seoul27 May 20242 Jun 20245262 kmFrom 232
Sanya10 May 202414 May 20242734 kmFrom 275
Colombo7 May 202410 May 20243317 kmFrom 310
Tokyo14 Jun 202417 Jun 20245784 kmFrom 313
Istanbul11 May 202416 May 20249444 kmFrom 375
Male7 May 202411 May 20243853 kmFrom 397
Sharjah10 May 202413 May 20246536 kmFrom 555
Dili10 Jun 202413 Jun 20242097 kmFrom 603
Moscow15 Jun 202419 Jun 20249312 kmFrom 605
Barcelona4 May 20249 May 202411672 kmFrom 618
Saint Petersburg15 May 202421 May 20249843 kmFrom 703
Almaty24 Jun 202430 Jun 20246257 kmFrom 703
Doha1 Sep 20246 Sep 20246897 kmFrom 717

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