You can submit first a travel deal at our form:
You can start first with some economy flight deals or discounted 5-star hotel deal.
You can check our deals here:
These are a bit detailed.
It would be perfect if you can use our booking tools here:
For deals you can take a screenshot of the price.
Like here:
For the destinatrions, (if needed) you can take a picture from (Nice picture of the destination) when it is suitable.
At hotel deals you can upload the screenshot of the prices. (try to take a screeshot in JPG format, min. 800 pixel with) You can use the program GreenShot (free) to take screenshots.
At hotel deals you can upload the screenshot of the prices. (try to take a screeshot in JPG format, min. 800 pixel with) You can use the program GreenShot (free) to take screenshots.
And please include the URL / Link to the price deals.
When you submit you can do nothing wrong, we have to review the post first.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Maybe we can try.