Visit Canada’s capital city with this incredible hotel deal! Experience the captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty of Ottawa, where historic landmarks, vibrant festivals, and picturesque landscapes await your exploration!
You can stay at the top-rated 4-star LIV Extended Stay in Ottawa, Canada from only $138 per night/room!
That’s 52% OFF regular prices!
Best rates from February to April 2024.
LIV Extended Stay Sample Reservation:
Book Your Stay at LIV Extended Stay Here!
How to book:
To book this deal, please click on the link/button provided above. Alternatively, you can check for availability and pricing on other reputable travel platforms such as, Expedia, HotelLook,, SuperTravel,, Kayak, or Agoda.
Please note that the prices mentioned in this post were accurate at the time of its creation (as seen in the attached screenshot). However, travel prices can fluctuate rapidly, so we recommend booking promptly to secure the quoted rates. If you come across this post several days later, please be aware that the prices may have already changed.
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