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Direct Flights to Abu Dhabi, UAE with departure from Italy for only €165 (round-trip).

Traveler! have you ever wanted to go to UAE? Now is your chance!
For only € 165 you can book non-stop flights with ETIHAD AIRWAYS to Abu Dhabi, UAE with departure from Rome, Italy (round-trip).
Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, sits off the mainland on an island in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf. Its focus on oil exports and commerce is reflected by the skyline’s modern towers and shopping megacenters such as Abu Dhabi and Marina malls. Beneath white-marble domes, the vast Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque features an immense Persian carpet, crystal chandeliers,
Availability from March to April 2023.
Example date: 1st to 6th of April 2023.
332505058 511022951210225 7800049727311221348 n

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